01 March 2011

More than tri-ing or trying.

Geez, it's been a long time. I've pretty much maintained what I worked so hard for last year. Sadly I could have been so much better by now. It's been a very long winter for more reasons than just the weather. But we are on the other side of winter now or close enough anyway.

The place to start could be just writing down some goals. I'm not just tri-ing any more. There are mini-marathons, 5Ks, bike rides, tris, aquathons. I just want to stay active and stay focused and have something to work toward.

I didn't cycle as much as I wished I would have after the tri. This year will be different. I did stay active. I ended up needing neck surgery in early Jan. so that has definitely set me back. But I intend to keep at it. Although I do need to step it up a nothch.

I do think my frustration over several things has caused me to lose focus...well, I allowed it to distract me. I suppose it's just like before - I just have to start. Make up my mind and start. And then there's the frustration of starting over. Again.

The time has come. It'st time - to just do it. Get overmyself - and just do it. Start from where I am - and just do it. Stop blaming - and just do it. Embrace what I can do - and just do it. Stop feeling sorry for myself - and just do it. Stop making excuses - and just do it. Get a plan - and just do it. I need this - just do it. This is important - just do it. I love this - so for crying out loud just go do it!

1 comment:

  1. You are TOTALLY doing it! So proud of you. So excited for your new adventures and the additional support team you are bringing in. This is what makes you wise - you realize that you are NOT an island. Even if you area rock.
